Don't why tis days kinda very wake up so late..
is 9:30am (duno u guys la, bt 4 me.. is a record...)
duno leh.. although I sleep at 12am...
but til got my nap time.. (3pm-4:30pm)
weird lo, had nap time til can wake up late...
Scared, one's day wil be a 睡鬼....
I hope tis is only temporany...
if not next time, when I step in work sure kena "kick" by boss... haha
Although many people like de word "holiday" especially kidos..
bt when 2 much holidays definally wil feel bored..
don't wat u guy wil think for..
But for me, I prefer "detain" myself in home...
de reason is simple, once step out from de home, sure kena spend $$...
I kw.. although the gov already reduce the oil price til 2.15 cents,
but all the items are til remind their own price.. no point.. can't save much..
find friend 2 hang out.. although nw is school holidays.. bt til their place are very far..
Who ask me live in Shah Alam..
Normally go church in PJ already need 20km..
Imagine all my friend live around at area.. Haizz.. 4get it la..
Actually stay in house also okla..
lucky I got Astro..
there4, my daily life sure watch tv, practise keyboard, on9 sure write blog & read current issues..
haha.. bt sure kena go Giant & buy stuffs for tat weeks la..
it nt sure hungry til dead..
other days, no need 2 spend $$..
since I'm ntg 2 do..
so.. I declare 2day as 大扫除 day..,
all those "rubbish" things are throwing away..
WAH.. I noticed tat I already 1 month nvr really clean up de hse..
because when I swept don't seldom touch area..
Yiee.. was black in color (4gt 2 take down the pic)..
wan 2 vomit tim...
Wel.. after 3 hrs of cleaned up the hse.. tis was the result,
okla.. rite?? My hse....
My living area
de other direction of my living room..
My best friend "tv".. Switch on since 10am-3pm, 4:30pm-nw (10:30pm)
nah.. show my bedroom tim..
After I cleaned up de hse.. ingat ntg mah..
so I saja go 2 timbang my weight..
OMG!! I already 72kg tiam.. INCREASE 3kg..
died la.. no wonder I feel tat I'm like already fat..
must go exercise... excually got go joking de..
72kg...!!! Sigh!!!
u always slp slp slp, of coz gain weight la =.=
dun slp so much leh
i got a coupon for gym de, u want?
oh ya, the coupon valid till the end of november only, if want, tell me arh, if not i give others de lor
thax 4 yr offer.. bt no ned.. cz I'm nt at here soon.. 1 month later baru come back..
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