finally my holiday mood wil totally over, NONO!!!!
and I wil join de others as 'student' in Society University "社会大学"..
Mon-Fri; 7:30am-5pm, Sat; 8am-12noon..
Wel, as u guys who wat my field is abt, yeah.. as water contractor...
bt den, I didn't mentioned wat my post rite..,
nw I can tel.. as supervisor for de side area..
(p/s : sure kena sun lo..)
U may think tat "kasihan Eric lo, work under de sun tiam..."
wel nt really, my job is 2 supervised them and jz ned 2 kw de items only..,
as wel, do some daily report at all... (wel, tat de moment like tat la as beginner),
nt yet 4 de next level.. scared!!
Actually rite, I don't think tis is a hard 'subject',
as normally, everyday de 'Lecturer' 2 gv us de 'tasks',
as long u finished dem all, den u can cal off a day.. (bt, den process hard la..)
like 2day, I finished my job at 3:45pm, de earliest time of my record..
(p/s: tat y I'm can typed blog at office RIGHT NOW!!!)
Duno la, mayb supervisor's power so big,
cz I nt really ned 2 use my hand 2 do work..
"bt" if I wan 2 do, they also nt dare 2 ask me do,
they keep said, "tak payah Boss buat, biar saya buat..",
seem I'm like an extra people standing at there,
watching dem work tat all..
Wel, these were some of de 'tasks' tat I mentioned earlier,
u judged yrself, whether is hard or nt..
Old pipes.. probably 20 years old.. should "RIP"..
De main reason of licking..
DIG... DIG... DIG..!!!
(I took it when I supervised them, since I nothing 2 do...)
Lastly, I wil nt 4get 02 Feb.. as these days onward..,
tis 'subject' wil following 4 de rease of my life,
til I'm retired.. Wel, probably can 'celebrate' it as wel.. WAHAHA!!!
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